Thursday, July 27, 2006

Huh ?

This morning I was searching Metalink for another FNDLOAD issue, when I ran into the following note 37689.1 ,dated 14-JUL-2006....

It seems Oracle has its own FNDLOAD config file for an Alert !!!
This note is very recent, when I started te work on the config file there was no documentation on Metalink on this subject.
But I don't understand...
Why is the Alert not mentioned is the documentation of FNDLOAD (note 274667.1) ?
Why is the Alert config file not in the $FND_TOP/patch/115/import directory, just like all the other config files ???

Well, it seems I have done a lot of work for nothing. At least now I know how FNDLOAD works in detail.

I suggest everyone who wants to transfer Alerts via FNDLOAD, uses the Oraclce config file..

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