When starting up OAM, navigate to Site Map ----> Monitoring ----> SQL Extensions
The following scripts are available...

There is also a way to add your own personal sql scripts to this page. When you follow the steps mentioned in Metalink note 216816.1, you will find your own scripts on this page.
So, here is what you should do.
1. create a custom directory in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory
2. now create a directory called 'sql' in this custom directory
[oracle@vamisux32 sql]$ ls
oa_info.sql patchlevel_ebs.sql
3. Now place your custom sql scripts in this directory
4. Bounce Apache to see the scripts in OAM
I have tested it with two custom scripts, and after bouncing Apache,
the two scripts are visible under 'Custom Extensions'...

You can run the custom scripts by clicking the 'run report' button.
1 comment:
nice feature
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