Because of my last problem with the 11.5.10 install, I decided the begin all over again. What I didn't mention last time, was that the staging area I used was downloaded from Oracle. Maybe that's why I faced so many problems when installing multi node. So, this time I am creating a staging area from the Oracle EBS dvd's.
I also changed my operating system. Instead of Red Hat ES3, I downloaded the Oracle Linux from OTN and installed on my two external hard disks. I wanted to know if this linux version from Oracle was already ready for an EBS 11.5.10 install.
Well, it isn't. You still have to add packages. A summary of the Oracle Linux install will follow soon.
Have you tried Oracle Enteprise Linux with Release 12? I am currently running 11.5.8 on Redhat 7.3 and wondering if Oracle EL would be a better pick for R12.
Hi Daniel,
yes. I installed EBS R12 also on Oracle Enterprise Linux.
And it works...
I am a little discouraged with the effort required to get the libraries up to speed. I don't remember having so many issues with RH 7.3 and 11.5.8. After installing R12, httpd won't start > missing libdb.so.2 and can't find the missing package. Any idea?
can you find the package in the ORACLE_HOME/lib ?
If so, try the following :
1. Run:
mv $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libdb.so.2 $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libdb.so.2.org
2. Make a link in the in $ORACLE_HOME/lib directory.
ln -s /usr/lib/libdb.so.2 libdb.so.2
3. Startup HTTP Server
Thanks Bas I managed to get it work with the link. The library actually had a different name. Now all the services are starting.
Unfortunatelly I am realizing my hardware will not accomodate R12. The technology stack with 10g is just too consuming. One Gig of memory was plenty enough for 11.5.8 on 8i, I realize that 4Go is probably a minimum for R12. I need to upgrade my hardware.
I adjusted the SGA down to 400M from 1G but the effect is limited. System is still swapping like crazy. I could do other adjustments but I realize it's not worth the time invested.
The move to R12 is going to be problematic for the SME market when they realize the hardware investment needed to support the new release.
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