Thursday, December 27, 2007
Oracle mix
We all know Linkedin or Plaxo. Now Oracle has it's own network site (beta..)
Check it out and login using your Oracle sso account (otn account)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Oracle EBS R12 Applications DBA Beta Exam
The exam is called :
Oracle EBS R12: Install, Patch and Maintain Applications [1Z0-238]
This new exam is required as part of earning the new Oracle EBS R12 Applications Database Administrator Certified Professional certification.
I am not sure if I am going to participate in this beta exam....
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Enterprise Manager
I changed the job_queue_processes parameter to 2, also changed the aq_tm_processes parameter to 1. The OEM database seems to be more stable, but I don't know if everthing still works in OEM....
Has anyone got any experience with this ??
Monday, December 10, 2007
Colors in vi
When reading a logfile for example, the file is presented in 5 or 6 different colors..
To turn off these colors edit the following file (as root)...
In this file you will see the following lines:
" Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors
" Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern.
if &t_Co > 2 has("gui_running")
syntax on
set hlsearch
You can disable coloring by placing " in front of these lines..
" Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors
" Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern.
"if &t_Co > 2 has("gui_running")
" syntax on
" set hlsearch
Now all colors are gone, and I believe reading is much easier ....
Friday, December 07, 2007
Colors in linux terminal
I found this was caused by the use of aliasses.
alias cp='cp -i'
alias l.='ls -d .[a-zA-Z]* --color=tty'
alias ll='ls -l --color=tty'
alias ls='ls --color=tty'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias vi='vim'
So, all I had to do was unalias the ' ls' and the 'll' commando (and make a new alias for ' ll' )
Upgrade R12
For those who are planning to upgrade their 11i environment, Steven Chan has writen an article abouot this on his blog.
Check it out !!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Last day
Thanks guys !!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Trace Analyzer
this tool could make my trace files easier to read.
You can download the tool from Metalink in zip format (
Install the tool...
unzip the file
in the trca directory start a sqlplus session as sysdba...
[oracle@vamisux32 trca]$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Nov 10 17:02:08 2007
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> @install/tacusr.sql (askes for pwd and default tablespaces)
SQL> @tactab.sql
... Creating TRCA$_TRACE_ID Sequence
... Creating TRCA$... tables
TACTAB complete. Please check tactab.lis for any errors.
SQL> @tacpkg.sql
Taking a snapshot of DBA_EXTENTS (may take several minutes)
TACPKG complete. Please check tacpkg.lis for any errors.
Now the Trace Analyzer is installed in the EBS database.
I decided to create a trace file in EBS when querying journals in General ledger.
So, the trace file is created in the udump direcory. Lets see how it looks like
without analyzer....
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
ORACLE_HOME = /ebs/oatestdb/9.2.0
System name: Linux
Node name: vamisux32.amis.local
Release: 2.6.9-
Version: #1 SMP Sun Oct 15 14:02:40 PDT 2006
Machine: i686
Instance name: oatest
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
Oracle process number: 39
Unix process pid: 12460, image: oracle@vamisux32.amis.local (TNS V1-V3)
*** 2007-11-10 17:52:00.876
*** SESSION ID:(85.37029) 2007-11-10 17:52:00.874
APPNAME mod='FNDSCSGN' mh=375781535 act='General Ledger Super User' ah=3773307719
PARSING IN CURSOR #65 len=70 dep=1 uid=47 oct=42 lid=47 tim=1166712422731428 hv=2110961874 ad='6746d1e4'
alter session set events='10046 trace name context forever, level 12'
EXEC #65:c=2000,e=45848,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1166712422729192
WAIT #0: nam='SQL*Net message to client' ela= 9 p1=1952673792 p2=1 p3=0
WAIT #0: nam='SQL*Net message from client' ela= 1217 p1=1952673792 p2=1 p3=0
bind 0: dty=1 bfp=0af28a20 flg=0a avl=00 mxl=32767 val=""
You see, the trace file looks like any other trace file. Difficult to read and also not easy to understand. When using the analyzer...
[oracle@vamisux32 trca]$ sqlplus apps/*****
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Nov 10 18:01:52 2007
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
SQL> start run/trcanlzr.sql oatest_ora_12460_SYSADMIN.trc
Value passed: oatest_ora_12460_SYSADMIN.trc
...generating trcanlzr report into UDUMP server directory
Trace Analyzer Report "trcanlzr_12460_1.html" has been created in /ebs/oatestdb/9.2.0/admin/oatest_vamisux32/udump
...trcanlzr report has been generated into UDUMP server directory
...copying trcanlzr report into local SQL*Plus client directory
...trcanlzr report was copied from UDUMP into local SQL*Plus directory
When opening the html file, you see the difference....

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Oracle's own virtual machine...
Instead in vmware (for example), you can now use the Oracle VM.
Read all about it in this article...
Friday, November 09, 2007
EBS DBa homepage
url EBS Dba homepage
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Missing responsibilities after cloning EBS
After we had cloned an EBS environment (11.5.9), it seemed some application users were missing some or all responsibilities they had in the original environment.
When checking the EBS, you could see the responsibilities were granted to the specific application users. No end date, nothing strange in the application.
So, why don't they see their responsibilities at login ??
It seems the problem was that the start_date and end_date in WF_LOCAL_ROLES did not match the information in the FND_RESPONSIBILITY table for roles/responsibilities assigned.
This issue is being solved by running the concurrent program FNDWFDSURV "Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation" on the target environment.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Custom sql scripts in OAM
When starting up OAM, navigate to Site Map ----> Monitoring ----> SQL Extensions
The following scripts are available...

There is also a way to add your own personal sql scripts to this page. When you follow the steps mentioned in Metalink note 216816.1, you will find your own scripts on this page.
So, here is what you should do.
1. create a custom directory in the $APPL_TOP/admin directory
2. now create a directory called 'sql' in this custom directory
[oracle@vamisux32 sql]$ ls
oa_info.sql patchlevel_ebs.sql
3. Now place your custom sql scripts in this directory
4. Bounce Apache to see the scripts in OAM
I have tested it with two custom scripts, and after bouncing Apache,
the two scripts are visible under 'Custom Extensions'...

You can run the custom scripts by clicking the 'run report' button.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Back again...
I did not post anything the last two weeks because I could not sit down to do it :)
Hope things will be better from now on...
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Maintenance wizard
I had no idea what the Maintenance wizard looked like, or what it was supposed to do.
So, I decided to install the latest full version (2.05) of this wizard.
The wizard can be installed by downloading patch 6398371 from Metalink.
According to note 329476.1, this version only runs with a 10g database and a 10g iAS...
Here is what I did..
1. Install 10.2.0 database software
2. Install 10.1.3 iAS (choose 'Web Server and Process Management' option..)
3. create 10g database using dbca
4. create new tablespace NEWEOF
5. define new $EOF_HOME as $ORACLE_HOME/eof
6. unzip the patch in the $EOF_HOME and run the from the config directory
So what does the wizard really do ??
According to the user's guide at least the following :
Maintenance Wizard:
• Presents a consolidated, personalized set of instructions in a step-by-step format
• Enables validation of important activities to prevent downstream issues
• Maintains log and status information for all tasks
• Enables Project Administrators to assign different groups of upgrade tasks to different users
• Downloads, merges, and installs many required patches automatically
• Provides access for Web-based operating system (OS) commands to check the upgrade processes, logs, and OS status during patch upgrades.
• Provides project management utilities to record the time taken for each task and its completion status
• Enables maintenance of multiple customer systems
I checked the wizard out, and post my experience with it very soon..

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Survey added
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
First guest post....
Check the blog for more interesting posts....
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
guest posts...
His blog ( is about Oracle EBS OCP and OCE. Very interesting stuff. I accepted his invitation and agreed to write some posts for his blog.
I am going to share my OCE and OCP experience with his blog readers also....
So, be sure to visit his blog also.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Upgrade jinitiator
We were working on a jinitiator upgrade ( to, and the upgrade must be tested on both test and production environment.
How can we be sure only a few people will test the new jinitiator, while the rest is still working with the old jinitiator ??
The answer is easy. By using a profile option at user level.
The profile is : 'ICX: Forms Launcher ' , and will have the following value... http://host.domain:port/dev60cgi/f60cgi
When you want a few users to work with another version than the default jinitiator (for example, adjust the url like this :
http://host.domain:port/dev60cgi/f60cgi?config=jini13128 at user level.
This way only that user is working with the new jinitiator....
Also be sure to adjust the appsweb.cfg and add the second new jinitiator...
Monday, August 20, 2007
MO: Operating Unit not set....
The customer received the following error when logging in :
oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: FND, Message Name: SQL_PLSQL_ERROR. Tokens: ROUTINE = AppsConnectionManager.appsInitialize(int,int,int,int,Connection):-1,-1,-1,0,oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection@1d12d84; REASON = java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20001: Oracle error -20001: ORA-20001: FND-ORG_ID PROFILE CANNOT READ: N, OPTION, MO: Operating Unit has been detected in FND_GLOBAL.INITIALIZE.ORA-06512: at "APPS.APP_EXCEPTION", line 70ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 64ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 1028ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 541ORA-06512: at line 1; ERRNO = 20001; (Could not lookup message because there is no database connection) at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAExceptionUtils.processAOLJErrorStack( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OACommonUtils.processAOLJErrorStack( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.validateUser( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage( at _oa__html._OA._jspService( at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service( at at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.doDispatch( at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.internalService( at oracle.jsp.JspServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at org.apache.jserv.JServConnection.processRequest( at at
So it seems the profile option 'MO:Operating Unit' is not set, or is set with a wrong value.
I decided to query the fnd_profile_option_values table and check how the profile was set. The query did not produce any rows, so the profile option is empty ??
Anyway, a colleague of mine showed me a sql script to restore the old value of the profile option.
stat boolean;
IF stat THEN
dbms_output.put_line( 'Stat = TRUE - profile updated' );
dbms_output.put_line( 'Stat = FALSE - profile NOT updated' );
The script did put a value for the MO:Operating Unit in the fnd_profile_option_values table. After bouncing Apache, the problem was solved.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Oracle Database 10g: Administration I (1z0-042)
One step closer to OCP EBS Dba...
The next exam will be Oracle Database 10g: Administration II, the final one to become a OCP Dba 10g. Offcourse, there is also the hands on after both exams, but first I will try to pass the OCP exam.
After preparing for the OCA exam, it's now time for a holiday. I will be gone for a week, visiting France..
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Troubleshooting Single Sign On.....
One of the problems you can encounter is that the redirection to your SSO login page is not working. To find out what's the problem you can check the following :
1. Is OID running ? You can log on to OID using the orcladmin account,
2. Is the iAS10g for your SSO running ? Check $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl status
3. Can you login EBS using the AppsLocalLogin.jsp url....(to check if the EBS services are running)
4. If this is working fine, check your config document again. Maybe something went wrong when administrating your EBS node with SSO ( script)
Also check Metalink
- note 376811.1 :'Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 with Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On '
- note261914.1 : Integrating Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i with Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Single Sign-On
- note 444573.1 : Basic checks for user integration when using Oracle E-Business Suite 11i with Oracle AS 10g
- note 295606.1 : Oracle Application Server 10g with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i Troubleshooting
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Back home
I wanted to know what would happen if a user did exist in OID, but not in EBS . There is a profile option which takes care of this issue. If the profile 'APPS_SSO_OID_IDENTITY ' is set to 'enabled', OID will create the EBS user if it does not exist..
I also noticed that when the user password is changed in EBS, this password is also transferred to OID. But I don't think passwords should be changed in EBS anymore when using Single Sign ON.....
And after two weeks of working with R12, I returned home with more R12 experience and also with more friends !
I would like to thank the staff of the Oracle/IBM Joint Solution Center in Montpellier for making the bootcamp possible. Especially Paul Bramy, for his enthusiasm and help. I also want to thank my fellow bootcampers for sharing knowledge and experience, Pascal Labrevois and Andrea Cobis. I hope to speak them soon again...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Last week - RAC week
At the same time a colleague is working on a DMZ implementation with EBS R12, so I will be looking over his shoulder also.
Last week I also installed Oracle Discoverer and maybe we can also look at the integration of Discoverer with EBS R12. I already performed the steps mentioned in note 373634.1. Since Oracle Discoverer is not part of the EBS R12 rapid install anymore, we are curious how it is working with EBS R12....
Friday, July 06, 2007
SSO and EBS R12
1. - I have installed GRID control 10gR2 and upgraded it to R3. But the EBS plugin is not yet available for AIX, so I could not go on with GRID.
2. - I have installed Oracle AS10gR2 and implemented Single Sign On the EBS R12.
3. - I have installed Oracle Discoverer and configured it with SSO, so that you can also login to Discoverer using your SSO account
4. - I have managed to configure a cloned R12 environment in SSO.
Also EBS R12 was cloned from a multi node configuration to a single node configuration.
Next week I will be focusing on RAC.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
EBS R12 on AIX
2 4-node AIX cluster with on each 2 DB servers + 2 APPS servers
+ 1 Apps server for a Single Sign On installation and Grid Control.
- EBS release 12 for AIX
- EBS release for AIX
- 10gR2 DB + patchset
- 10gAS R3 ( )
- 10gGrid Control (R3)
We have started with two multinode installations of EBS R12 on AIX. One with a vision database and the other one with an empty database. The environment with an empty database is going to be used for cloning. But after installing EBS R12 we ran into a forms problem. When creating a forms session in EBS, a FRM-92101 error occurs. We are investigating what the problem could be. I also found out OPMNCTL does not work from the command line..
opmnctl status
Unable to connect to opmn.
Opmn may not be up.
Could be same problem.
From an IBM colleague in the US we received a solution we are about to test.
More to come....
Monday, July 02, 2007

After a few hours of sleep, I hooked up with another EBS dba, and together we went to IBM France for the bootcamp.
Next we divided the tasks and made sure everybody was able to login the machines.
We are now starting with an EBSR12 install, both vision and an empty database.
Also we are installing a Grid control 10GR3 to manage the databases....unfortunately the EBS plugin is not yet available for the IBM platform...(only Linux and Solaris..)
Friday, June 29, 2007
Program EBS R12 Bootcamp
1) Application-tier focus:
· Shared APPL_TOP
· Shared oAS (10.1.2 (forms) or 10.1.3 (oc4j) or both?)
· OAS Load Balancing (10.1.2, 10.1.3, both?)
· DMZ implementation, covering, possibly, Reverse Proxy and APPL_TOP or oAS Cloning
· Single Sign-On
· Integration with Oracle Business Intelligence (Discoverer / OBI EE)
· Upgrade to oAS 10.1.x if and when available
2) DB-Tier focus:
· RAC 10g (how to add an extra node)
· Database Vault with R12
3) General Architecture focus:
· Cloning (Full, Appl_top, oAS 10.1.2 oAS 10.1.3)
· Upgrading from R11 to R12 (no hands on - just review of steps)
4) Additional ideas
· Grid Control plugins
· MLS Impact. This is a time killer, but I would anticipate to document the translation steps, in dotted line, in a document deliverable, if any.
· Cross platform deployment. Looks like we don’t have the hardware ready for that, but maybe Paul may be able to get us some space in a zVM host to move the database here. The blazing speed of an IBM z9 platform is always refreshing.
. Java (JRE) Plug-In 1.5.0_12 for EBS 11i
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Java (JRE) Plug-In 1.5.0_12 Certified with Apps 11i
Now the standard Sun java plugin is also certified for EBS 11i (11.5.9 and later..)
Version 1.5.0_12 is certified for 11i.
For more about this see the Steven Chan blog
Monday, June 25, 2007
EBS R12 bootcamp 2007
This bootcamp is organized by the Oracle/IBM Joint Solutions Center. At first a colleague of mine was invited, but he could not find the time and suggested I should go in his place....:)
So, for two weeks I will be working with R12 only...and will try to blog this adventure.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
What's the use of blogging ??
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Oracle Certified Expert
Monday, June 11, 2007
Missing oraInventory
The oraInventory that was incomplete was the global oraInventory. I noticed that the local oraInventory in the $IAS_HOME was complete, but running the patch with this oraInventory did not work. Something about the oraInventory...
In the file oraInst.loc (usually in the /var/opt/oracle directory), the location of the global oraInventory is shown. In the global oraInventory you find the installed ORACLE_HOMES and in the ORACLE_HOME you find the local oraInventory for that ORACLE_HOME.
I find out n Metalink that the global oraInventory can be restored if the local oraInventory is valid.
The perl script in the $ORACLE_HOME/appsoui/setup (IAS_HOME) directory can be used to recreate the global oraInventory.
After recreating the global oraInventory the http patch was successfully applied.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
new templates after patch
It seemed a template was modified by a patch, and this template had a customized version.
The following lines were produced by autoconfig...
Starting Utility to Report Version Conflicts at Fri Jun 01 00:19:04 MEST 2007Using version 115.4
[ AD_TOP ]
Template shipped by oracle is having a version different than the template lying in custom directory.Template shipped by Oracle : /opt/software/applmgr/SID/appl/ad/11.5.0/admin/template/APPLSYS_ux.env(version: 115.89)Custom template : /opt/software/applmgr/SID/appl/ad/11.5.0/admin/template/custom/APPLSYS_ux.env(version: 115.88)Please resolve the differences between the two templates or refer to metalink note 165195.1 for further details.
So, autoconfig shows me which templates have a different version. Now I have to find out which customizations are made to this template and update the customized template to the higher version of the template. You can use the unix 'diff ' command to compare the two templates.
Adjust the customized template and run autoconfig again..
You can also look into the patch logfile to find out which templates are modified....
Friday, June 01, 2007
Blog value
564.54 dollar...
A half year later...
My blog is worth $3,951.78.
How much is your blog worth?
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Merging patches
I started with the e-Business Suite patches, you also have to patch all other environments that work with the EBS. Every part of the EBS environment has to be patched. Oracle recommends that patches are applied in the following order :
1. Oracle database (opatch)
2. Oracle Application server
3. Oracle e-Business Suite
This means, I had to patch the database (, the http server, forms and the 8.0.6 home.
After these patches I also had to apply 20 EBS patches. The EBS CPU patches are not cumulative, so you also have to apply earlier CPU patches.
Because of this, I had to apply 20 patches for the EBS 11.5.9 release. I decided to use the admerge tool to merge the patches into one big patch. Admerge merges all patches from one directory into one patch. The tool knows in which order to apply the patches. Using admerge will save time. Just be sure to know if any patch has any post-install steps...
Before merging, be sure to place all patches to be merged into one directory...for example the 'patches' directory. Also create a target directory for the merged patch..'merged'.
admrgpch patches merged
Executing the merge of the patch drivers
-- Processing patch: patches/3578012
-- Done processing patch: patches/3578012
-- Processing patch: patches/3578012_NL
-- Done processing patch: patches/3578012_NL
-- Processing patch: patches/3748835
-- Done processing patch: patches/3748835
-- Processing patch: patches/4278155
-- Done processing patch: patches/4278155
-- Processing patch: patches/4278155_NL
-- Done processing patch: patches/4278155_NL
-- Processing patch: patches/5479643
-- Done processing patch: patches/5479643
-- Processing patch: patches/5479643_NL
-- Done processing patch: patches/5479643_NL
-- Processing patch: patches/5571208
-- Done processing patch: patches/5571208
-- Processing patch: patches/5571208_NL
-- Done processing patch: patches/5571208_NL
-- Processing patch: patches/5571211
-- Done processing patch: patches/5571211
-- Processing patch: patches/5571211_NL
-- Done processing patch: patches/5571211_NL
-- Processing patch: patches/5658489
-- Done processing patch: patches/5658489
-- Processing patch: patches/5661617
-- Done processing patch: patches/5661617
-- Processing patch: patches/5711474
-- Done processing patch: patches/5711474
-- Processing patch: patches/5711474_NL
-- Done processing patch: patches/5711474_NL
Copying files...
5% complete. Copied 4 files of 70...
10% complete. Copied 7 files of 70...
15% complete. Copied 11 files of 70...
20% complete. Copied 14 files of 70...
25% complete. Copied 18 files of 70...
30% complete. Copied 21 files of 70...
35% complete. Copied 25 files of 70...
40% complete. Copied 28 files of 70...
45% complete. Copied 32 files of 70...
50% complete. Copied 35 files of 70...
55% complete. Copied 39 files of 70...
60% complete. Copied 42 files of 70...
65% complete. Copied 46 files of 70...
70% complete. Copied 49 files of 70...
75% complete. Copied 53 files of 70...
80% complete. Copied 56 files of 70...
85% complete. Copied 60 files of 70...
90% complete. Copied 63 files of 70...
95% complete. Copied 67 files of 70...
100% complete. Copied 70 files of 70...
Character-set converting files...
15 unified drivers merged.
Patch merge completed successfully
Please check the log file at ./admrgpch.log.
So, this way I have to only apply one patch...the u_merged.drv
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Oracle 10g OCA exam scheduled
So I checked the Prometric site, and scheduled the 1z0-042 exam for July 10. This is the Oracle 10g Database: Administration I exam (OCA) and can be used for the Oracle EBS Dba OCP path...
I don't have that much time left to study, so no time to !!!!!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Autoconfig templates ?
But how do you know which templates are customized ?
I ran into the following script in the $AD_TOP/bin directory....
Use the following syntax
./ contextfile=
And you get a report with all the templates used by autoconfig, the target directory and if there is a custom version of the template. Very nice script...
So for example the adovars.env file and its custom version...
TEMPLATE FILE : /opt/software/applmgr/EBS/appl/ad/11.5.0/admin/template/adovars_ux.env
TARGET FILE : /opt/software/applmgr/EBS/appl/admin/adovars.env
TEMPLATE FILE : /opt/software/applmgr/EBS/appl/ad/11.5.0/admin/template/APPLSYS_ux.env
CUSTOM TEMPLATE : /opt/software/applmgr/EBS/appl/ad/11.5.0/admin/template/custom/APPLSYS_ux.env
TARGET FILE : /opt/software/applmgr/EBS/appl/EBS_ebs-p01.env
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
EBS Dba Exam results
Monday, May 07, 2007
Diagnostics using Oracle Application Manager
My plan was to use OAM to run the diagnostics. And recently the diagnostics patch was applied on the production database, so what could go wrong.
But when starting a diagnostics script or opening a lov, a ' page cannot be displayed ' error was shown. Because the http 500 error is not very useful to us, I started to search for errors in the Apache log files. In the access.log I found the following error : - - [04/May/2007:12:22:02 +0200] "GET /OA_HTML/jtfqaerror.jsp?JTFQAERR=You%20do%20not%20have%20sufficient%20privileges%20to%20perform%20this%20function. HTTP/1.1" 500 540
It is a little bit hard to see, but the error tells me I am not allowed to view the diagnostics page ?
So it seems a setup problem ? Metalink brought me the solution.
Login EBS as system administrator
Select the "Menu" item under this responsibility
Search for "FND_NAVIGATE4.0" menu, which is the root menu of the System Administrator responsibility.
In this menu add a submenu called "Diagnostics: JSP Pages Menu", save it and make sure the request for adding this submenu gets compiled
But still the diagnostics is not working. This time in the access.log - - [04/May/2007:14:08:09 +0200] "GET /OA_HTML/jtfqaerror.jsp?JTFQA
So now I don't have the right responsibility to run a cash management diagnostic script.
Adding the cash management responsibility to my list of responsibility's did the trick.
Now I was able to run the diagnostics they asked me.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
OCP 10g
Monday, April 23, 2007
Patching Oracle e-Business Suite
The options I mostly work with are :
- hotpatch, I don't want to put the database in maintenance mode every time
- noautoconfig, because of the multi node installation over here don't run autoconfig
But there are many more options to use. Check the following post for more options..
Thursday, April 05, 2007
optimize parameters
When running the query in the dev database, the session seems to hang and no records are returned.
So, first I looked at the explain plan from the query running in the test database. It looked like this..
Operation Object Name Rows Bytes Cost Object Node In/Out PStart PStop
SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer Mode=CHOOSE 339 K 103359
NESTED LOOPS 339 K 8 M 103359
Then I tried running the query in the dev database and the explain plan looked like..
Operation Object Name Rows Bytes Cost Object Node In/Out PStart PStop
SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer Mode=CHOOSE 339 K 56396
HASH JOIN 339 K 8 M 56396
It seems in the dev database the query is doing a full table scan, instead of indexed scan in the test database. Also in the test database a NESTED LOOP is used, while the dev database uses a HASH JOIN ??
I focussed on the last finding and searched for a reason why the query should use HASH JOIN instead of a NESTED LOOP.
I found out the following two init.ora parameters were different in the dev database, the optimizer_index_caching parameter and the optimizer_index_cost_adj parameter. So, I tried running the query after I changed my session settings..
SQL> alter session set optimizer_index_caching=x;
SQL> alter session set optimizer_index_cost_adj=x;
And this time the query returned the desired rows ! Next step is to edited the init.ora so the whole dev environment can use these settings...
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Changed Oracle EBS Dba OCP program
At the end of 2006 we were able to participate in the beta program of EBS OCP for dba's. I completed two exams, the Oracle 11i Install Patch and Maintain Applications beta exam and the Oracle 11i System Administration beta exam.
Now Oracle has changed the OCP program and added two new exams to the list. They also deleted two exams, the Oracle 11i System Administration and Implement Oracle Workflow 11i were removed out of the OCP program and they added Applications DBA Fundamentals I and II. Also, when you are already an OCP 9i or 10g, you only have to pass the 1Z0-233 Oracle 11i Install Patch and Maintain Applications exam to become a certified EBS Dba professional.
Also, the results of the beta exams are supposed to be known in April...
See also
Lost root password
Another colleague of mine showed me some Google results, and we tried to change a unknown root password. This is what we did..
- We restarted the operating system (Suse..) and interrupted the start up so we could use a command line
- we typed in : init=/bin/bash and resumed startup
- on the following command prompt : mount -o remount,rw /
- at this point you can enter passwd and change the root password without knowing the old one !
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Forum ?
So, if you have any question and you cannot find the answer on the site, post a question on the forum and I will try to answer the question !
Oracle Applications Manager in R12

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Date and time on virtual machine....
I placed the following lines in a fiel called time.cron
[root@vamisux32 ~]# crontab -l
# ntp update statement - workaround
0-59 * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate amisnt10 >>/var/log/ntpdate 2>&1
But on my Oracle Linux virtual machines, the cron job did not run. So, the virtual clock was still running slower than the real clock.
In the logfile of the crontab, the following error was shown
"ntpdate[23109]: the NTP socket is in use, exiting"
So it seems the cronjob cannot connect to the external time server, because the NTP socket is already in use.
I found out that Oracle Linux starts a NTPD process when booted. This NTPD process is blocking my NTP socket....So, I stopped the NTPD process and made sure it would not start up again when booting the virtual machine. Checked the date and time and everything seems oke now. Even the crontab logfile is without errors...
"ntpdate[18258]: step time server offset...."
So, don't run ntpd and ntpdate next to each other...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Oracle E-Business Suite R12 with OEM10G

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Oracle EBS 11i with 10G OEM

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
First patch on Oracle E-Business Suite R12
I could not help feeling a little bit excited, because patching is changed in EBS R12.
The manual steps to be taken before patching are removed from the readme and placed into an xml file. Before patching you are supposed to run a new perl script called $AD_TOP/bin/
This script creates an install_{patch_number}.html.
After performing the steps in the html file, you have to run $AD_TOP/bin/ –done (to let the system know you have performed the manual steps….).
The also creates a custom readme which you have to read before patching.
I was a little bit disappointed, because the patch I downloaded is maybe to small. Nothing about in the readme…Tried to run anyway
cd /ebs/patches/5856453/ad/patch/115/manualsteps
[oracle@vamisux34 manualsteps]$ $AD_TOP/bin/
Invoking Oracle Patch Application Assistant….
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel.
Caused by: java.awt.HeadlessException:
No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
at sun.awt.HeadlessToolkit.getScreenResolution(
at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.isLowResolution(
at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.
… 3 more
Maybe with X-manager and $DISPLAY set ? No, returns a java exception…
Invoking Oracle Patch Application Assistant….
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(
Running like this.....
[oracle@vamisux34 manualsteps]$ perl $AD_TOP/bin/ -cli
Gathering Information..
Enter the patch_top : /ebs/patches/5856453
Enter the APPS user password:
Logfile for this session is located at admsi.log
Generating installation instructions for patch 5856453..
Updating database....
install_5856453.html generated successfully
install_5856453.txt generated successfully
[oracle@vamisux34 manualsteps]$
The install_5856443.html is the new readme. Because there are no manual actions to perform, the new generated readme is the same as the old one and I can apply the patch using adpatch..
oracle@vamisux34 appl]$ cd /ebs/patches
[oracle@vamisux34 patches]$ ls
5856453 p5856453_R12[1]
[oracle@vamisux34 patches]$ cd 5856453/
[oracle@vamisux34 5856453]$ adpatch options=hotpatch
************* Start of AutoPatch session *************
AutoPatch version: 12.0.0
AutoPatch started at: Tue Feb 27 2007 11:05:47
AutoPatch is complete.
AutoPatch may have written informational messages to the file/appl/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/log/u5856453.lgi
Errors and warnings are listed in the log file/appl/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/PROD/log/u5856453.log
and in other log files in the same directory.
The patch finished without problems….
Monday, February 26, 2007
OAUG meeting in Amsterdam

Friday, February 23, 2007
Oracle Partner Release 12 Update seminar
After the lunch I went to the Applications Technology meeting. This seminar was also an overview, but still there were some interesting issues. For example, in R12 the Integration Repository is part of the EBS, instead of the static html page it was in EBS 11i ( And now that it's part of the EBS, when a patch updates a api, the irep is also updated !!! The irep, by the way, is used for integration with the Oracle EBS. It shows us how you can integrate with the EBS. Making irep a part of the EBS R12 is also a part of the Oracle Fusion development.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Oracle Applications Manager in Oracle EBS R12
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Guest password in Oracle EBS
What the current password is, is shown by the following sql
SQL> select profile_option_value from fnd_profile_option_values
2 where profile_option_id = 3805;
To see if the login password for user GUEST is the default password...
select fnd_web_sec.validate_login('GUEST','ORACLE)
from dual;
Because autoconfig was no option at that time, I suggested to change the profile back to it's default by using the SAVE function from the FND_PROFILE package.
stat boolean;
IF stat
dbms_output.put_line( 'Stat = TRUE - profile updated' );
dbms_output.put_line( 'Stat = FALSE - profile NOT updated' );
After running this function the password was set to ORACLE. The GUEST user password is also mentioned in the dbc file and in the xml file. If all the entry's are the same, everything should work fine.
Well, at Sunday we lost contact. But last Monday I received an email saying the problem was solved. I asked what solved the problem in the end, but I did not receive an answer yet.